Monday, February 14, 2011


On the 1st of March I will be joining my illustrious new colleagues at CloudBees. A heady mixture of ex-Sun, ex-JBoss and ex-Red Hat employees. So some of those new colleagues are actually old colleagues too, namely Harpreet, Kohsuke and Vivek.

CloudBees has a very compelling vision to push the full development-to-production cycle (build, test, deploy) into the cloud. They have been on a roll cranking out stuff at a rapid rate.

The CloudBees platform consists of two main pillars: DEV@cloud; and RUN@cloud. General availability was announced recently.

DEV@cloud enables developers to develop and build software in the cloud using the best Continuous Integration software available, namely Jenkins, as a service.

RUN@cloud enables developers to deploy software to the cloud.

There is an enormous amount of value to gained by integrating these two pillars together into one integrated platform.
My focus will be on Jenkins, Nectar and DEV@cloud. Exciting times ahead.

I have been watching, well lurking, as the s/Hudson/Jenkins events unrolled. For the moment lets just say that we are living in "interesting times" and given the outcome of the events I feel far more comfortable with Jenkins than I would be if involved with the alternative.

Between now and the 1st March i will be taking some time off, but the temptation to do a little hacking will be hard to resist! On verra...

Farewell Sun and Oracle

Today is my last day at Sun and Oracle. 13 years 5 months at Sun and 8 months at Oracle or a ratio of ~20:1.

Like Tor i looked at my badge I am gonna turn in today:
The picture was taken when I first joined Sun in 1997. It's been in my back pocket for ages, it's almost like loosing a limb!

To my work friends and colleagues I wish you luck. "Fair Winds and Following Seas" to Java SE 7, Java EE 7 and GlassFish 7 (i made that last version up :-) , but a 777 release is rather appealing numerologically speaking).

I've "had a blast", "kicked butt", and "had fun", it's onwards to new adventures... (more on that later today). 

Many thanks to all those sending public and private communications of support. 

Signing off with my favorite Scott McNealy quote:
The only value you can add to a banana is a bruise

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sundowners @ Grenoble, The Shannon Pub, Fri 18th Feb from 9pm

To celebrate my new employment, to get nostalgic about Sun [*], to say farewell to Oracle, to philosophize about Life, the Universe and Everything, if one needs an excuse this it to meet up and imbibe a few Sundowners (in the British sense not the Aussie/NZ sense, which has something to do with sheep).

We will meet up at The Shannon Pub, Fri 18th Feb from 9pm.

[*] If i knew of a unicode character for the Sun logo i would use it!